Cult of Death
Largely a warrior cult, the Cult of Death is one with a widespread following. Anywhere man draws blade against man, adherents of Death can be found. Though each sect differs, there are some overarching similarities that give members common ground for worship. Upon the death of the physical body, each person is judged by Death. Depicted as a gaunt, dark-robed figure with a shrouded face and greatspear wreathed in black flames, Death measures each man against his spear.
If the man or woman is found wanting, they are cast into the darkness to suffer and be forgotten. If their achievements are great, they join the personal guard of Death in preparation for the battle at the end of the world. This battle will take place when the sun is extinguished and the dark between the stars closes in on the world. When it is over, the faithful will be reborn to repopulate the world and begin anew. Many believed this time had come with the Long Dark. Though the sun shines again, the cult has gained a new following of those who believe they have seen the end and will do whatever they can to defeat it.
Though generally considered a unified religion, each sect defines the favor of Death differently. Some believe the greater the number of enemies a man has killed, the greater his standing will be. These followers are often little more than murderers and assassins, seeking to impress Death with the number of the dead they send him. Others seek to send the greatest of their enemies ahead of them into the afterlife to tell tales of their prowess. These often seek to be champions of some cause, constantly testing themselves against greater and greater foes until they are finally defeated.
Still others believe that it is not simply death that is favored, but death in the defense of life. More common amongst soldiers and guardsmen, they say life is precious and so those who fight to defend it, as the guards of Death will fight to defend it when the end comes, are truly the favored. A variation on this belief is that it is not defense of life that is the point but the manner in which one gives their life. Death must have a purpose, either the death of one’s enemies or one’s own death. To die serving a greater cause, that is the death worthy of a hero.
Regardless of their particular philosophy, devotees will utter prayers before going into battle and after surviving it. They also commend those they kill with a short prayer to Death. Though anything that can be wielded as a weapon is acceptable, spears are considered favored weapons, as are those who have trained their bodies to kill without forged weapons. Scars are worn openly and are considered a sign of great strength and valor. Tattoos and other marks are also common, to show those that have been killed or battles that have been survived.
If the man or woman is found wanting, they are cast into the darkness to suffer and be forgotten. If their achievements are great, they join the personal guard of Death in preparation for the battle at the end of the world. This battle will take place when the sun is extinguished and the dark between the stars closes in on the world. When it is over, the faithful will be reborn to repopulate the world and begin anew. Many believed this time had come with the Long Dark. Though the sun shines again, the cult has gained a new following of those who believe they have seen the end and will do whatever they can to defeat it.
Though generally considered a unified religion, each sect defines the favor of Death differently. Some believe the greater the number of enemies a man has killed, the greater his standing will be. These followers are often little more than murderers and assassins, seeking to impress Death with the number of the dead they send him. Others seek to send the greatest of their enemies ahead of them into the afterlife to tell tales of their prowess. These often seek to be champions of some cause, constantly testing themselves against greater and greater foes until they are finally defeated.
Still others believe that it is not simply death that is favored, but death in the defense of life. More common amongst soldiers and guardsmen, they say life is precious and so those who fight to defend it, as the guards of Death will fight to defend it when the end comes, are truly the favored. A variation on this belief is that it is not defense of life that is the point but the manner in which one gives their life. Death must have a purpose, either the death of one’s enemies or one’s own death. To die serving a greater cause, that is the death worthy of a hero.
Regardless of their particular philosophy, devotees will utter prayers before going into battle and after surviving it. They also commend those they kill with a short prayer to Death. Though anything that can be wielded as a weapon is acceptable, spears are considered favored weapons, as are those who have trained their bodies to kill without forged weapons. Scars are worn openly and are considered a sign of great strength and valor. Tattoos and other marks are also common, to show those that have been killed or battles that have been survived.